cara membuat slideshow untuk blogspot dengan javascript

Haloo sobat sobat semuanya.... gimana nih kabarnya... untuk kali ini saya akan membahas " cara membuat slideshow untuk blogspot dengan javascript " , tapi sebelumnya sorry nih saya baru posting tutorial lagi setelah absen nggak bikin postingan tutorial berminggu minggu, karena apa ko saya absen..? mau tau..? iya nih kemaren saya dapet proyek bikin web berbasis blog dan baru 2 hari ini sudah mulai up, kalo mau tau nih alamatnya web tersebut sengaja saya buat dengan CMS wordpress karena si ouners web tersebut ingin webnya mudah di indeks oleh mesin pencari yang mana akan membawa dampak keuntungan jika ada banyak pengunjung dan berminat dengan produk/jasa yang di tawarkan oleh ouners web tersebut... Trus kenapa ko pake wordpress..? anda tau sendiri kan CMS wordpres adalah CMS yang powerful dan SEO friendly.. nah selain ouners web tersebut bisa mempromosikan bisnisnya, tetapi mereka juga bisa mendokumentasikan hal hal penting seperti even2 yang pernah dilaksanan perusahaan tersebut lewat postingan blog dan juga bisa membantu men seo kan web mereka melalui postingan postingan yang mereka dokumentasikan ( anda tau sendirikan kalo mesin pencari suka web / blog yang update! )...

Trus sekarang apa kaitannya dengan tutorial yang mau dibahas sekarang ini, iya sih nggak begitu terkait.. tapi anda bisa melihat contoh slideshow di web yang saya garap kmaren yang mana pembuatannya akan saya bahas di tutorial ini.. ( ada kan kaitannya.. hehehe )
Dan ga panjang lebar nih, langsung aja lihat contoh scriptnya dan jika berminat langsung aja dicopy lalu praktekkan kedalam halaman blog anda, dan jangan lupa mengikuti langkah2nya dibawah ini agar nggak ngawur... hehehe...
Kita lihat seksama scriptnya dibawah ini..

Langkah pertama anda copy style cssnya dibawah ini, kemudian masukkan kedalam bagian style css blog anda jika bingung silahkan cari code seperti ini
]]></b:skin> lalu taruh tepat diatasnya code tersebut...
font: bold 11px Arial;
width: 100%; /*leave this value as is in most cases*/
.indentmenu ul{
margin: 2px;
padding: 0;
float: left;
/* width: 80%; width of menu*/
background: transparent;
.indentmenu ul li{
display: inline;
.indentmenu ul li a{
float: left;
margin: 2px;
color: #000; /*text color*/
padding: 5px 11px;
text-decoration: none;
border: 1px solid #ccc;
.indentmenu ul li a:hover{
.indentmenu ul li a:visited{
color: blue;
.indentmenu ul li a.selected{
color: white !important;
padding-top: 6px; /*shift text down 1px*/
padding-bottom: 4px;
border: 1px solid #000000;
.tabcontentstyle{ /*style of tab content container*/
border: 1px solid gray;
width: 450px;
margin-bottom: 1em;
padding: 10px;
@media print {
.tabcontent {
display:block !important;

Kemdian setelah anda memasng code css nya kemudian langkah selanjutnya adalah anda copy script javascript dibawah ini, lalu masukkan tepat dibawah code ]]></b:skin> ( ingat..! dibawahnya code ]]></b:skin>, kalo yang css nya ditaruh di atasnya.. pokoknya kebalikannya ) ini nih scriptnya, langsung copy aja
<script type='text/javascript'>
//** Tab Content script v2.0- © Dynamic Drive DHTML code library (
//** Updated Oct 7th, 07 to version 2.0. Contains numerous improvements:
// -Added Auto Mode: Script auto rotates the tabs based on an interval, until a tab is explicitly selected
// -Ability to expand/contract arbitrary DIVs on the page as the tabbed content is expanded/ contracted
// -Ability to dynamically select a tab either based on its position within its peers, or its ID attribute (give the target tab one 1st)
// -Ability to set where the CSS classname "selected" get assigned- either to the target tab's link ("A"), or its parent container
//** Updated Feb 18th, 08 to version 2.1: Adds a "tabinstance.cycleit(dir)" method to cycle forward or backward between tabs dynamically
//** Updated April 8th, 08 to version 2.2: Adds support for expanding a tab using a URL parameter (ie:

////NO NEED TO EDIT BELOW////////////////////////

function ddtabcontent(tabinterfaceid){
this.tabinterfaceid=tabinterfaceid //ID of Tab Menu main container
this.tabs=document.getElementById(tabinterfaceid).getElementsByTagName("a") //Get all tab links within container
this.hottabspositions=[] //Array to store position of tabs that have a "rel" attr defined, relative to all tab links, within container
this.currentTabIndex=0 //Index of currently selected hot tab (tab with sub content) within hottabspositions[] array
this.subcontentids=[] //Array to store ids of the sub contents ("rel" attr values)
this.revcontentids=[] //Array to store ids of arbitrary contents to expand/contact as well ("rev" attr values)
this.selectedClassTarget="link" //keyword to indicate which target element to assign "selected" CSS class ("linkparent" or "link")

var re=new RegExp(Name+"=[^;]+", "i"); //construct RE to search for target name/value pair
if (document.cookie.match(re)) //if cookie found
return document.cookie.match(re)[0].split("=")[1] //return its value
return ""

ddtabcontent.setCookie=function(name, value){
document.cookie = name+"="+value+";path=/" //cookie value is domain wide (path=/)


expandit:function(tabid_or_position){ //PUBLIC function to select a tab either by its ID or position(int) within its peers
this.cancelautorun() //stop auto cycling of tabs (if running)
var tabref=""
if (typeof tabid_or_position=="string" && document.getElementById(tabid_or_position).getAttribute("rel")) //if specified tab contains "rel" attr
else if (parseInt(tabid_or_position)!=NaN && this.tabs[tabid_or_position].getAttribute("rel")) //if specified tab contains "rel" attr
catch(err){alert("Invalid Tab ID or position entered!")}
if (tabref!="") //if a valid tab is found based on function parameter
this.expandtab(tabref) //expand this tab

cycleit:function(dir, autorun){ //PUBLIC function to move foward or backwards through each hot tab (tabinstance.cycleit('foward/back') )
if (dir=="next"){
var currentTabIndex=(this.currentTabIndex<this.hottabspositions.length-1)? this.currentTabIndex+1 : 0
else if (dir=="prev"){
var currentTabIndex=(this.currentTabIndex>0)? this.currentTabIndex-1 : this.hottabspositions.length-1
if (typeof autorun=="undefined") //if cycleit() is being called by user, versus autorun() function
this.cancelautorun() //stop auto cycling of tabs (if running)

setpersist:function(bool){ //PUBLIC function to toggle persistence feature

setselectedClassTarget:function(objstr){ //PUBLIC function to set which target element to assign "selected" CSS class ("linkparent" or "link")
this.selectedClassTarget=objstr || "link"

getselectedClassTarget:function(tabref){ //Returns target element to assign "selected" CSS class to
return (this.selectedClassTarget==("linkparent".toLowerCase()))? tabref.parentNode : tabref

var RegExp(tabinterfaceid+"=(\d+)", "i")) //check for "?tabinterfaceid=2" in URL
return (result==null)? null : parseInt(RegExp.$1) //returns null or index, where index (int) is the selected tab's index

var subcontentid=tabref.getAttribute("rel") //Get id of subcontent to expand
//Get "rev" attr as a string of IDs in the format ",john,george,trey,etc," to easily search through
var associatedrevids=(tabref.getAttribute("rev"))? ","+tabref.getAttribute("rev").replace(/s+/, "")+"," : ""
for (var i=0; i<this.tabs.length; i++){ //Loop through all tabs, and assign only the selected tab the CSS class "selected"
this.getselectedClassTarget(this.tabs[i]).className=(this.tabs[i].getAttribute("rel")==subcontentid)? "selected" : ""
if (this.enabletabpersistence) //if persistence enabled, save selected tab position(int) relative to its peers
ddtabcontent.setCookie(this.tabinterfaceid, tabref.tabposition)
this.setcurrenttabindex(tabref.tabposition) //remember position of selected tab within hottabspositions[] array

for (var i=0; i<this.subcontentids.length; i++){
var subcontent=document.getElementById(this.subcontentids[i]) //cache current subcontent obj (in for loop) "block" : "none" //"show" or hide sub content based on matching id attr value

var allrevids=this.revcontentids
for (var i=0; i<allrevids.length; i++){ //Loop through rev attributes for all tabs in this tab interface
//if any values stored within associatedrevids matches one within allrevids, expand that DIV, otherwise, contract it
document.getElementById(allrevids[i]).style.display=(associatedrevids.indexOf(","+allrevids[i]+",")!=-1)? "block" : "none"

setcurrenttabindex:function(tabposition){ //store current position of tab (within hottabspositions[] array)
for (var i=0; i<this.hottabspositions.length; i++){
if (tabposition==this.hottabspositions[i]){

autorun:function(){ //function to auto cycle through and select tabs based on a set interval
this.cycleit('next', true)

if (typeof this.autoruntimer!="undefined")

var persistedtab=ddtabcontent.getCookie(this.tabinterfaceid) //get position of persisted tab (applicable if persistence is enabled)
var selectedtab=-1 //Currently selected tab index (-1 meaning none)
var selectedtabfromurl=this.urlparamselect(this.tabinterfaceid) //returns null or index from: tabcontent.htm?tabinterfaceid=index
this.automodeperiod=automodeperiod || 0
for (var i=0; i<this.tabs.length; i++){
this.tabs[i].tabposition=i //remember position of tab relative to its peers
if (this.tabs[i].getAttribute("rel")){
var tabinstance=this
this.hottabspositions[this.hottabspositions.length]=i //store position of "hot" tab ("rel" attr defined) relative to its peers
this.subcontentids[this.subcontentids.length]=this.tabs[i].getAttribute("rel") //store id of sub content ("rel" attr value)
tabinstance.cancelautorun() //stop auto cycling of tabs (if running)
return false
if (this.tabs[i].getAttribute("rev")){ //if "rev" attr defined, store each value within "rev" as an array element
if (selectedtabfromurl==i || this.enabletabpersistence && selectedtab==-1 && parseInt(persistedtab)==i || !this.enabletabpersistence && selectedtab==-1 && this.getselectedClassTarget(this.tabs[i]).className=="selected"){
selectedtab=i //Selected tab index, if found
} //END for loop
if (selectedtab!=-1) //if a valid default selected tab index is found
this.expandtab(this.tabs[selectedtab]) //expand selected tab (either from URL parameter, persistent feature, or class="selected" class)
else //if no valid default selected index found
this.expandtab(this.tabs[this.hottabspositions[0]]) //Just select first tab that contains a "rel" attr
if (parseInt(this.automodeperiod)>500 && this.hottabspositions.length>1){
this.autoruntimer=setInterval(function(){tabinstance.autorun()}, this.automodeperiod)
} //END int() function

} //END Prototype assignment


Kemudian untuk tahap yang terakhir, anda masukkan code dibawah ini kedalam sidebar blog anda... dengan cara menambahkan gadget baru yang pilihan html/javascript ... tapi sebelumnya ada beberapa yang musti anda ganti dan ikuti aja keterangan dibawahnya..
<div style="float:left;margin:0px 10px 0px 0px;padding:0px;" align="center">
<div id="pettabs" class="indentmenu">
<table align="center"><tr><td align="center"><ul>
<li><a href="#" class="selected" rel="tab1">1</a></li>
<li><a href="#" rel="tab2">2</a></li>
<li><a href="#" rel="tab3">3</a></li>
<li><a href="#" rel="tab4">4</a></li>
<li><a href="#" rel="tab5">5</a></li>
<li><a href="#" rel="tab6">6</a></li>
<br style="clear: left"/>


<div style="width:300px;text-align:justify;padding: 5px; margin-bottom:0px">
<div id="tab1" class="tabcontent">
<img border="1" width="298" src="" height="190"/>

<div id="tab2" class="tabcontent">
<img border="1" width="298" src="" height="190"/>

<div id="tab3" class="tabcontent">
<img border="1" width="298" src="" height="190"/>

<div id="tab4" class="tabcontent">
<img border="1" width="298" src="" height="190"/>

<div id="tab5" class="tabcontent">
<img border="1" width="298" src="" height="190"/>

<div id="tab6" class="tabcontent">

<img border="1" width="298" src="" height="190"/>

<script type="text/javascript">

var mypets=new ddtabcontent("pettabs")


Keterangan :
pada script diatas ada yang perlu anda ganti yaitu alamat poto yang akan anda tampilkan.. yang kebetulan alamat poto diatas aadalah alamat poto saya... hehhe... ganti aja dengan alamat poto milik anda, dan jika perlu ubah juga ukuran width/lebar dan height/tinggi nya.. ( cari aja alamat poto ditas yang ber ekstensi .jpg .. ok )

Nah setelah selesai semua, silahkan lihat hasilnya... jika di bagian sidebar blog anda tampilan menu slideshownya kelihatan nggak rata, itu karena di bagian sidebar blog anda ada perintah <:ul> dan <li> , nah jika anda pengen tampil rata anda cari code css side bar ul dan li nya kemudian anda hapus... ( tapi pikir yang matang sebelum anda menghapusnya, tapi saya nggak akan kasih penjelasannya kenapa yang pasti menurut saya sih ga papa... hehehe ) hapus aja yang seperti ini
.sidebar ul {
margin:0 0 0;
padding:0 0 0;
.sidebar li {

nah moga berhasil yah.. kalo masih bingung dan ragu silahkan ditanyakan aja yah... n kalo bahkan udah sukses dan mentereng silahkan kasih kabar juga yah... biar sama sama puas... hehehe...
gud luk...

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