Download Lagu Coldplay - Princess Of China (Ft. Rihanna).Mp3 (5.51 Mb)
Sahabat sudah menuju ke postingan yang berjudul Download Lagu Coldplay - Princess Of China (Ft. Rihanna).mp3 (5.51 MB), kalau demikian sudah dipastikan, pastinya sobat juga sedang mencari postingan dengan judul tersebut. Yups! sempurna sekali disini memang menyediakan link download lagu gratis beserta liriknya, tetapi lagu yang ada disini hanya bertujuan untuk review saja dan lagu tersebut tidak di hosting di server kami, melainkan di ambil dari aneka macam sumber pencarian di google, youtube dll. Untuk mendownloadnya kau dapat mengklik tombol yang sudah di sediakan di bawah ini.
Download Lagu Coldplay - Princess Of China (Ft. Rihanna).mp3 (5.51 MB)
Title | : | Princess Of China | |
Artist | : | Coldplay (Ft. Rihanna) | |
Album | : | Mylo Xyloto | |
Size | : | 5.51 MB | |
Duration | : | 00:04:00 | |
Audio | : | mp3, 44100 Hz, stereo, s16p, 128 kb/s |
Lirik Lagu Coldplay - Princess Of China
Ohhhhh...[Chris Martin:]
Once upon a time somebody ran
Somebody ran away saying fast as I can
I've got to go, I've got to go!!!
Once upon a time we fell apart
Ohhhhh, ohhhhh!
Once upon a time, we burned bright
Now all we ever seem to do is fight
On and on...
And on and on and on...
Once upon a time on the same side.
Once upon a time on the same side, in the same game
And why'd you have to go, have to go and throw water on my flame
I could've been a princess, you'd be a king
Could've had a castle, and worn a ring
But no, you let me go
I could've been a princess, you'd be a king
Could've had a castle, and worn a ring
But no, you let me go
And stole my star
La, la, la, la, la, la, la, la [x3]
You stole my star
La, la la la la laaaaaa
Oooooooh-oh oh oooooooh oh oh oh ohhhhhhhhh
Oooooooh-oh oh oooooooh oh oh oh ohhhhhhhhh
Cause you really hurt me
No you really hurt me
Cause you really hurt me
No you really hurt me
Cause you really hurt me
Ooooooooh you really hurt me, ooooooooh
Cause you really hurt me
Ooooooooh you really hurt me...
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